Çfarë duhet t'i kushtohet vëmendje në prodhimin e qeseve të goditjes anti-ultravjollcë

Çanta me shumicë rezistente ndaj UV

Ultraviolet-resistant çanta mbytëse, d.m.th. çanta kontejnerësh rezistente ndaj ultravjollcës, përdoren për ruajtjen dhe transportin e produkteve kimike. Ato janë të dizajnuara nga karakteristikat e lëndëve të para kimike. Përveç kapacitetit mbajtës dhe kërkesave të tjera, ata në përgjithësi duhet të sigurojnë integritetin dhe sigurinë e artikujve të tyre të paketimit dhe të plotësojnë kërkesat e materialeve përkatëse të paketimit.

The security of baffle bags is the first consideration. Packing volume, loading weight and a number of packing units should be considered in the design. The distance of transportation and the number of times of handling should also be considered. What kind of transportation means and methods should be adopted?

The sealing performance of baffle bags is different from that of consumers, so we should take full account of it. Për shembull, powder or poisonous substances, and objects afraid of contamination require very strict sealing performance, and materials prone to dampness or mildew also have special requirements for air tightness.

Baffle bags are mainly used in bulk, granular or powdery articles, and the physical density and lose a degree of contents have different effects on the use.

The performance of çanta mbytëse should be tested as close as possible to the products loaded by customers. This is thestandard filling material for testingwritten in the standard, so as to meet the challenges of the market economy as far as possible by technical standards.

What role can anti-ultraviolet baffle bags play?

  1. Packaging restrictions of container bag manufacturers are very large. Powdery products can be packed in çanta me shumicë.
  2. Increased loading and unloading power. It has a large capacity, very fast loading and unloading, more than ten times the efficiency of conventional paper bag packaging.
  3. Can effectively maintain the product. Container bag material has the function of rainproof and impermeability. It can also be dampproof when it is filled and placed outdoors.
  4. Less space. The empty bag is foldable and small in size. The round baffle bags have a large capacity.
  5. Long life, anti-ultraviolet çanta mbytëse ton, can be used repeatedly. Baffle bags are made from highly intensive data that are durable and can be accepted for reuse.